You Butter Believe It - The New Tillamook Butter

Tillamook Butter has a new look, and Jill Allen, the Director of Cheese and Spreads here at Tillamook and lead developer of the new Tillamook Butter, is here to spread the news.
What types of butter do we currently offer?
Jill: Tillamook offers two types of butter. We have our 81% Unsalted Butter, which is just two ingredients - natural cream with natural flavorings. We also offer our Salted Butter which is now made with our natural sea salt and cream.
Did you say Sea Salted Butter?
Jill: We decided to use natural sea salt because it has an amazing flavor transfer, not only from the first time you try the butter, but it carries through to the middle and to the end, so you have a well-balanced butter profile.
What else is different about our new butter?
Jill: We also increased the fat from 80% to 81% fat. The reason being, is that butter is a key staple to many recipes in both cooking and baking. It will develop rich flavors with silky textures, and amazing profiles.
So when would you use Sea Salted Butter vs. Unsalted Butter? Jill: The usage occasions differ between each product. I recommend using Unsalted Butter for your baking products to create flaky crusts without the addition of the sea salt. For the Sea Salted Butter, I recommend putting it on top of your corn on the cob, your toast, or a scone.
Jill, what’s your favorite Tillamook Butter?
Jill: My favorite Tillamook Butter is our new Sea Salted Butter. I like to use it with my eggs over easy, with the addition of truffle oil.
Any fun, new ways to use Tillamook Butter?
Jill: Being in the Pacific Northwest, coffee is everywhere. I recommend adding a dollop of our Sea Salted Butter into your coffee. It will create a really creamy profile with a hint of salinity, and you will love it!
Be sure to share your favorite ways to use Tillamook Butter with us on social, using @Tillamook or @TillamookDairy on Twitter and hashtag #TillamookButter
Check out the butters here.